Global Digital Tools and Innovation Engineer

Project and technical leader for internal innovation tools that use emerging technologies to better our workforce and support our customers.

Lead a team of innovators across all BU's to drive strategy, promote innovation and change the way Cummins does business with AR and VR.

Owner, Designer, Maker

E-commerce business where we sell custom lasered, CNC, and handmade products that will last a lifetime.

Pete's Backyard Design was built as a portfolio website in April 2022 with the intent to house all my projects and experience in one place. Built with a devops pipeline consisting of Visual Studio Code, GitHub, GitHub Actions, and Azure with some help from Cloudflare and Font Awesome.


Pete Chat

Pretend like its 1999 again and chat away with strangers. Just know these might be AI strangers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. This is the first pass at my exploration of real time communication. WebRTC is next.

Pete Chat

Augmented Reality Business Cards

When Apple announced their native USDZ file viewer I thought it would be a cool way to share business cards, invitations, or media. I used an iPhone to 3D scan my body, Adobe Mixamo to animate the scan, Blender for the confetti, and Apple Reality Composer Pro to make this.

Download USDZ